Tuesday 18 December 2012


I'm really bad at keeping up with this but I will try and keep up!

CHRISTMAS is round the corner!!!!! I love Christmas, the snow, the excitement but I really love opening my presents it's loads of fun!!! But I find them hard if they are plastered with sellotape!!!!!

I'm just looking out for Alfie!

Not that long ago I went on a walk with Mummy, Daddy, Myra, Tom and Grace. One of Grace's best friends, Maya was there with her Mum and brother Rowan and Alfie the Dog. Alfie is a lot bigger than me, and younger too. He gets on my nerves, and he is really annoying!!!!! But at least I don't have to tolerate him every day...I can't even think about doing that!!! 

Alfie can get really tiring!

After the walk Grace put her jumper on the ground and Mum put the backpack on the floor and the combination was so comfy and I was so tired after the walk because of Alfie...I fell asleep. I can't help it!!!! It was comfier than it looks. xxx